Information in english
Hermann Wesselink College is a Dutch school with a strong international orientation. We offer bilingual education at the three main levels of Dutch secondary education: vmbo-t, havo and vwo. Bilingual education means that the curriculum is taught in two languages: some subjects are taught in English, while others are in Dutch. Therefore, both languages are important.
It is important to realise that Hermann Wesselink College is not an international school. The bilingual character of the curriculum, in which both Dutch and English can be the language of instruction - means that it is not automatically possible for students from international backgrounds to start at Hermann Wesselink College. Furthermore, we would like to emphasise that the national final exams are all in Dutch. It is therefore essential that, by their final year, students need to be able to understand, speak and write Dutch at a high level.
If you are considering enrolling your child to year 1 (or higher), the level of Dutch of your child needs to be good enough to be able to follow the Dutch part of the lesson programme. Students that opt for the International Crossover Class do not have to speak Dutch yet, as they will have a crossover year to learn Dutch. Lessons in Dutch as a foreign language are provided by the school, but these will not be enough for students who are new to Dutch, to achieve the starting level they need for year 1. In order to be eligible for placement in our bilingual department, it is important to realise that your child will have to seriously work on his/her Dutch also outside school.